Live XXX Bondage Porn
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Dominated Girls Learn Submission

Filed under : bondage live xxx sex

This post is going to start with a confession of mine. I don’t like to be the dominant one. I would rather the girl dominate me. It’s weird and confusing because I love brutal porn where women are put through hell in the name of fetish, but in real life, I just can’t handle it.

I ordered a bondage kit once and showed it to my girlfriend. She seemed really open to the idea. That night, we set it all up and she laid down on the bed, totally ready to be tied up and submit to me. I was a nervous mess! I was worried it was too tight or that she wouldn’t be able to breathe with the ball gag in her mouth. What if she died while I was fucking her? Would the police believe me? Would I get put in jail while the world condemned me as a murderous pervert? A few nights later, she tied me up instead and I liked that a lot more.

This 74% off discount to Dominated Girls, allows me to enjoy the fantasy without actually having to live it out. I am grateful for that.

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